The Catholic Church Of St Michael

 St. Michael Novena


St. Michael the Archangel


St. Michael the archangel

St. Michael the Archangel is mentioned a few times in the Bible and is venerated as the ‘Prince of Angels. He is known for interceding for us for protection from evil and for healing. In Christian art, he is often depicted wearing armour, wielding a sword or spear and slaying a dragon, a serpent or satan.

The Catholic church refers to Michael the Archangel as St. Michael even though he is an angel, and not a saint whose recognition resulted from canonisation. He is believed to be the prince of all of God’s angels, and the protector of the church.

There were several instances when St. Michael is believed to have appeared in the Bible, among them:

  • In the Book of Daniel, St. Michael is referenced as the “Great Prince and defender of your people”

  • As a sword-wielding angel who introduced himself to Joshua just before the fall of Jericho, as commander of the army of the Lord.

  • As the leader of the Angels who banished Satan and his minions according to the Book of Revelations

  • As an Archangel in the Epistle of Jude

  • In the Epistle to the Thessalonians, mention is made of an archangel who will announce the second coming of Christ. Though not identified, it is believed to be referring to St. Michael.

St. Michael is venerated as a healer, and protector of the Catholic Church. His feast day is celebrated on September 29.