

parish BulletinS

08 September 2024, 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

01 September 2024, 22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

25 August 2024, 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time

18 August 2024, 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time

11 August 2024, 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time

04 August 2024, 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time

28 July 2024, 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Parish Register

The EU General Data Protection Regulation 2018 superseded the UK Data Protection Act of 1998.  It expanded the rights of individuals to control how their personal date is collected and processed and placed a range of new obligations on organisations to be more accountable for date protection.  UK organisations handling personal data still need to comply with the GDPR regardless of Brexit.

If you consider yourself a parishioner of St Michael’s, please copy the GDPR form below, fill it in and return it to Fr Dominic or Jacky so that we can keep a record of your contact details.  It includes the option to have the weekly bulletin emailed to you – just tick the Parish Newsletter box.  

Thank you.