Get Involved



St. Michael’s choir is a group of between eight and twelve volunteers whose purpose is to lead the congregation in singing the hymns, psalm and ordinary parts of the Sunday Mass. The choir meets every Thursday at 7.45pm in St. Michael’s Parish Room. Anyone interested in joining would be made very welcome. Please contact Tony Bevan (organist) on 01749 344180

Legion of mary

The Legion of Mary is a lay Catholic organisation whose members are giving service to the Church in almost every country.  At St Michael’s a group meet every Friday in the Parish Room, 11am till 12,30pm following the Rosary in church at 10.30am.

More information about The Legion of Mary can be found on their website.  If you are interested in joining our group either as an active member or as an Auxiliary, or would just like to find out more please do come along to a meeting. All are most welcome.


There are regular Deanery Pastoral Meeting throughout the year and these are open to all.

It is a great opportunity for clergy and laity to share what is happening in their parishes and also to strengthen communities by working together and supporting each other.

For the date and venue for the next meeting please refer to the newsletter.


Volunteer ministries

St Michael’s Parish encourages all to volunteer their services in some way to help support and build up our parish community. Alongside are some ways in which you can do this.

Pastoral parish council

The Pastoral Parish Council meets four times a year.  During this meeting they discuss a number of areas in the parish which include fundraising, communion visits, safeguarding, social events, the Treasurer reports back from the Fabric and Finance meeting, as well as discussing youth initiatives and objectives etc.

The Parish Priest chairs the meeting and is supported by Julia Yardley, Jacky Tucker, Charles Rossiter and Christine Davies.