Volunteer Ministries


How can you get involved?

  • Altar servers

To serve at the altar is a great privilege. Servers assist the Priest on the sanctuary. Servers can volunteer after receiving their First Holy Communion. They receive training sessions and then begin serving. Servers need to be at church at least ten minutes before the start of Mass. If you would like to be an Altar Server please speak to the Parish Priest.

  • Flower arrangers

The flower arrangers decorate the Church with floral arrangements for Mass and for special occasions. The group creates the flower arrangements, co-ordinating them as appropriate with the Liturgy. You can help by joining them, or by offering flowers.  The flower arrangers volunteer on a rota basis.  If you are interested, please contact Lucy Harris on 01749 830952.

  • readers

Readers have the responsibility to read one of the readings during Mass and/or the Prayers of the Faithful. The aim is to read and proclaim the Word of God in a manner that the congregation can hear clearly, with intonation that aids understanding. Training will be given to new readers. If you would like to find out more about being a reader please speak to the Parish Priest.

  • welcomers

Welcomers greet visitors and parishioners as they come to Mass. They aim to offer a smile and a few friendly words to as many people as possible, whilst handing out the hymn books, Mass leaflets and the weekly Bulletin in the church porch.  You can help by joining the Welcomers rota. This requires you to be at the church about half an hour early when it is your turn, to arrange the books and newsletters prior to handing them out. If you are interested in volunteering to go on the rota please contact Jacky Tucker on 01749 830695.

  • youth ministry

If you would like to help with organising and supporting either specially planned activities for the young people or with the re-formation of St. Michael’s Youth Group or Mini Youth, please do speak to the Parish Priest.